all attendees should bring:
2 signed Forms (may be submitted online/email)
Separate INDOOR footwear (for inside buildings)
Proper footwear (NO open-toe shoes for Trail Ride/stables)
To-Go Travel Mug (refill for the campfire or strolls; mark your name)
Warm outdoor clothing
‘Western wear’
Bible, pen & paper or device (no Wi-Fi available)
Cash - Exact change for an extra activity ($10-$20/activity, space permitting)
overnight attendees should ALSO bring:
Bedding - pillow, sleeping bag/sheets & blankets (mattresses provided)
Toiletries (Ranch has hot showers & flush toilets - YAY!)
Face cloth & towel.
Birch Bay property is a substance-free space, so please do not bring:
Cigarettes or Vapes
Alcohol or Drugs
Weapons - nail files are okay!
Children (Non-mobile, nursing babies ARE allowed for Sat ONLY)
Men, definitely NO men! LOL!