Champion City Church LOVES KIDS!

Kid’s Classes (age newborn-11 years) are offered in BOTH our Sunday morning services!

Scroll down to explore FUN extras PLUS our incredible KidCity spaces, CHECK-IN procedures & available CLASSES!



Feb.15th, wear RED or PINK & let’s celebrate the LOVE OF GOD in our classes together!


What did the tortoise say on Valentine's Day? ~ "I turt-ally love you!

What do you call sweets that can keep a beat? ~ Candy rappers.

What do you write in a slug's Valentine's Day card? ~ Be my Valen-slime!

WELCOME to our KIDS’ Ministry spaces!

Kid City logo.jpg


  • CHECK-IN - Open in our lobby @ 9-9:30AM for 1st service & again @ 11-11:30AM for the 2nd service. Our friendly team will help you get your child’s REQUIRED NAME TAG & parent PAGING RECEIPT. Arrive EARLY to be guaranteed admission. * Parents, set your phone to vibrate to receive messages from your child’s teacher. We kindly request that children who are unwell remain with their parents.

  • CHILD NAME TAG & PARENT SECURITY RECEIPT - required for KidCity/Class access & Check-Out.

  • KidCity FunBay & Gym - Open 30 minutes before/after service. NAME TAGS REQUIRED. FUNBAY - socks ONLY. GYM - indoor non-marking shoes ONLY. Parental supervision is recommended.

  • CLASSES begin after Praise & Worship. Children are dismissed from the main Auditorium to their class.

  • MEETING SPECIAL NEEDS - Daniel’s Den is a cozy room accessible DURING services to parents/adult guardians with children who have ‘1-1’ indicated on their NAME TAG. The FunBay is also available if Daniel’s Den is already occupied. A ‘live service monitor’ is provided in both spaces.

CCC’s Kids Ministry is NOT a babysitting service. This is training ground to develop champion leaders who are sensitive to God’s voice & obedient to Him! At Champion City Church, we aim to provide a safe & fun learning environment where children enjoy growing in their faith and godly character. Our KidCity FunBay & Gym help foster friendships. Participation is a privilege, therefore compliance with CCC’s safety & behaviour policies is expected at all times.

Your child is very special to us. Our team are thoroughly screened, qualified, caring individuals. We have an established illness policy & do frequent sanitizing. You can relax, confident your children are in safe hands!


Wee Winners

Ages under 24 months

ORANGE/GREY Class (North Wing)

Parents are texted for diaper changes.

Security Receipt is required for pick-up.


FUN NOTE: Every other Sunday is a ‘Field Trip Day’ to KidCity or outdoors (weather permitting) for an adventure lesson!

Mighty Tikes

Ages 2 & 3 year olds

RED Class (North Wing)

We go on a ‘field trip’ to KidCity every other Sunday! Socks are required.

Snack provided in class.

Security Receipt is required for pick-up.

Click the image for a sneak peak at just one of the many topics in our curriculum!

Click the image for a sneak peak at just one of the many topics in our curriculum!

Champs College

Ages 4 to 6 years

ORANGE Class (KidCity)

Socks required. Snack provided in class.

Security Receipt is required for pick-up.


All Stars Academy

Ages 7 to 11 years

GREEN Class (KidCity)

Indoor non-marking shoes or socks are required for Gym Time.

Optional but recommended: Bible to use in class.

Security Receipt is required for pick-up.