BOLD AND Beautiful Retreat 2018 Feedback Form

We believe your “Treasure Island Get-Away!” with us brought you blessings that will last in your life! 

Please share some highlights & honest input to help us plan for future Champion Ladies’ events. 

You don’t have to indicate your name if you prefer to remain anonymous.   Name: _________________________

Place a numerical value on a scale of 1-10 (1 being poor & 10 excellent) for each ____ (blank).

1. Time of Year:   ____    Comment: _______________________________________

2. Celebration Sessions:   Fun Stuff:  ____   Comment/Testimony: _______________________________

3. Celebration Sessions:   Worship:  ____     Comment/Testimony:  ______________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

4. Celebration Sessions:   Messages & Ministry:  ____    Comment/Testimony: _____________________  __________________________________________________________________________________

5.  Saturday Breakout Session #1:  Circle the one you attended:  Don’t Pack That! OR S.O.S.!

                How well did the presenter lead?   Overall: ________


·         Prepare & know her material _____   

·         Answer questions _____


·         Clarity ______ 

·         Expression _____

·         Volume _____


6.  Saturday Breakout Session #2:  Circle the one you attended:  Tropical Fruit Art OR Shipwrecked!


                How well did the presenter lead?   Overall: ________


·         Prepare & know her material _____   

·         Answer questions _____


·         Clarity ______ 

·         Expression _____

·         Volume _____


7.  Saturday Breakout Session #3:  Circle the one you attended:  Beach Ball Fun OR Sea Urchins!

                How well did the presenter lead?   Overall: ________


·         Prepare & know her material _____   

·         Answer questions _____


·         Clarity ______ 

·         Expression _____

·         Volume _____


8. Breakout Sessions:     ‘Coffee Time’ - Overall: ____;    Prayer Station Room – Overall: ____

Comment/Testimony: __________________________________________________________________

9. Retreat Food:    Fri Late Snack:  _____     Sat Coffee time: _____      Lunch: _____     Banquet: _____

Comment: ___________________________________________________________________________

8.  Retreat Décor & Theme:    Overall: _____       Comment: ________________________________

9.  Swag Bags & Door Prizes:    Overall: _____     Comment: ____________________________________

10.  Retreat Value for Cost (Early Bird $85/$65):   Overall: ___ Comment: _________________________

11. Retreat Preference:  Overnight country retreat center (more $) ____    In-House (like this one): ___

12.  We’d love to hear your testimony of how God ministered to you, what you liked best or an area you feel we could improve on for our next event.  ____________________________________________