Interest Groups




A relaxed evening designed to build friendships.



Support groups are geared specifically to help you in specific areas of life.




"Marriage on the ROCK" Seminar

A 10 week video led seminar by Jimmy Evans. This is one of the best Biblically based teachings on marriage.


      "Becoming One" Seminar

      A 5 week video led seminar by Jimmy Evans & Guests. 


"Laugh Your Way To A Better Marriage" - video led series by Mark Gungor





Money Matter$ - A 2 week seminar that deals with very basic principles of money management. Learn how to budget, track, trim & target your spending. Learn money from a Biblical standpoint, and allow God to help you become a better steward of money!

Financial Stewardship Seminar - "Protecting & Positioning Your Financial Investments Against The Perfect Storm"
Next Seminar: Sat. Nov.3 (Please register by calling the church office)





Cleansing Stream

This 10 week class deals effectively in helping individuals escape the pains and chains of the past. We are products of our past relationships and involvements. Sometimes the enemy can get a stronghold in our lives because of those involvements, and in turn, plague and poison our future.


Learn how to break free from those areas by using the power of God's Word and Spirit! If you feel your life is never reaching the abundant life Jesus promised, perhaps this ministry is for you!


Jesus came to make you free!!


Genesis Process

This seminar will help you:

  • Understand the mystery of the heart; why we do the things we "do not want to do" (Romans 7:15) 
  • Learn about your brain; why repetative negative behaviors are so hard to stop, even though you make up your mind to change 
  • Learn the subconcious fears and needs of men and women that cause us to sabatoge relationships 
  • Practice the use of Genesis healing tools that will help you lead a life of spiritual growth and personal change.


Life's Healing Choices

This is an 8 week DVD led series that will take you systematically through a process
of learning to depend on God to help you admit and overcome your Hurt, Hang Ups
and habits, and then turn around and help others.



"Ask The Expert" - This is a ministry where we will have various "experts" in specific fields, help teach us practical tools to better our lives in a vary practical way. For example, how many of us could use a little more knowledge in how to maintain our vehicles? Or, proper diet and exercise? Ask the expert allows for Q&A, so you can get specific answers to your specific needs.