Grow Groups (small groups) &  Classes all run in 6 week blocks called, "Rounds". Round 3 runs from the week of Jan.8 to Feb.15'18.  


Please find a list of Grow Groups and Classes being offered this Round.  Also, in order to arrange Grow Group locations and Class resource material, we need you to register HERE.  Thank you!


Grow Groups are designed to help you grow in your faith and build meaningful relationships with others in the church. These groups come in the form of Small Home Groups.  God said, it's not good to be alone. God created us to have relationship, and sometimes it's hard to do that just on a Sunday morning.


General Bible Studies  7pm

Topic: The Bait of Satan DVD led study by John Bevere

Offense is a trap that the devil uses to destroy lives.  Learn how to avoid this deadly trap and overcome offense before it overcomes you.

Some Locations and Days are TBD

  • St. Albert (Tue) 

               Host: Fred & Betty Kaup 54431 Range Road 253

               Facilitator: Ken & Judy Fraser


  • Fort Sask (Tue)

               Host: John & Andrea Gavincuk 45 Greenfield Pl.

               Facilitator: Ken & Sherry Holowach


  • Edmonton North (Tue)


               Facilitator: Steve & Jeanne Therioult (4508-162 A Ave.)


  • Thursday Morning  Bible Study at the Church (10:30 am)

                    Facilitator: Pastor Laura - (Please use east vestibule entrance.)


  • Young Adult 7:30pm

Those age 18-30 are invited to this group but you are also invited to join any Grow Groups or Class of your choosing.

  • Edmonton North (Tue) – Hosts & facilitators: Pastors John & Ana Rowse (Held at the church)




Classes take place every Wed at 7 pm at the church and follow a 6 week round.  Pre-registration is important but not critical for attending the first class.  However, most classes DO NOT receive new enrollment AFTER the second week of each new round.   After that you'll have to wait until the next round that begins the week of Jan.8'17.  (If these classes don't interest you, watch for new classes being offered in the next round.  A list of possible classes are listed below.)


Classes that are offered this round at the church are:

  • The Blessed Life - DVD led series by Robert Morris on the area of Finances


  • Introduction the Prophetic - This is NOT a class about prophecies concerning end time events. This is a class that gives you a simple & basic understanding of what the gift of prophecy is, and how it's to be used in and through the Body of Christ. You'll learn how you can hear from God, and discern between what's from God and what is your own imagination.   




Classes that could be offered in future Rounds: 

Prophetic 101 

     Instructor: Sharon Rustulka

  • This class will help you understand what this gift is and its proper use!
  • Cost: TBD
  • This is a 6 week class and requires a workbook. There will not be any new admissions after the second class.  Please visit the Resource Center to register and pay for your workbook.


Thought Renewal Journey   

      Instructor: Birdie Wood

  •  Cost: $10/workbook
  • This study presents the Word of God as the medicine that will restore healthy thought patterns that result in a healthy life!


Fresh Start - Foundations of Faith 

     Instructor: Pastor Dean

  • Open to any one who just wants to have a better understanding of the Bible basics like Repentance, Faith, Grace, Water and Spirit Baptisms, the Church, etc.


Champion 60+  A DVD led study called “Uninvited”.

     Facilitator: Melodee Helfly

  • Cost: $15 for workbook
  • Helping you deal with loneliness and the feeling of unwantedness as we approach our senior years.


 Marriage/Engaged Couples 

         DVD Led Studies by Marriage Today (Jimmy & Karen Evans) 

  • “Becoming One” (5 weeks) - $10/workbook
  • "An Indestructible Marriage" (6 Weeks) - $10/workbook
  • "Marriage On The Rock" (10 weeks) -  $10/workbook


Respectfully Yours  - An 8 week video led class        

  • It's going to be awesome & a great growth opportunity for all married & engaged women!
  • If you haven’t signed up, please consider this course, no matter what condition your marriage is in!  This will add value to your communication with your husband!  
  • If you’ve just decided to take in this class, please let us know – we need to order more Study Guides & we want to make sure we have enough!


Leadership Track for Men - 6 weeks

    Led by Pastor Dean  

  • John Maxwell defines Leadership in one word - "Influence!"  Whether you are a CEO of a company, a husband, a teacher or simply a friend that motivates others, you are a leader.  How we influence others will determine whether we are bad leaders, good leaders or great leaders!  I want to be a great leader, however, Jesus said, "If you want to be great, learn to be the servant of all." Come learn the principles of effective servant leadership and begin to see better results with your influence.



Single Life Workshop (12 Week Class)

  • Interactive study for non-married people of all ages to help prepare you for healthy, transparent and intimate relationships.


Tuesday 7pm - Healing School  (5 Weeks) FREE!

  • Teaching us that healing is a benefit of the atonement through Jesus' death, burial & resurrection.  You will learn how to expect healing for yourself and how to minister it to others.


Wednesday 7pm - Spiritual Gifts Class (5 Weeks)

Suggested $10 donation for the material

  • There are a number of abilities and roles that God has given to the church in order for it to function in its design for serving people.  The Bible calls these “Gifts, Ministries & Activities”.  This class will help you understand and discover what yours might be!


Knowing the Essentials of Reaching Your Muslim Neighbour

  • 3 Week Class
  • Discover the difference between the Jesus of the Bible and the "Jesus" that Muslims believe in.
  • Does toleration of other religions mean we need to water down Christianity?
  • Learn how to relate with a Muslim that will demonstrate the love & truth of God and reveal the clear distinctions between Islam & Christianily, whetting their appetite for more.


For all our ministries, please check with the church office for dates, times & locations.